Repräsentation atmosphärischer Dynamik in dekadischen Vorhersagemodellen

2018 - Dissertation - University of Augsburg

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2017 - Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2671-2689

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Regionale dekadische Klimavorhersagen und nahtlose Vorhersagen

2017 - PROMET Heft 99

Kottmeier, Ch. | H. Feldmann

The smoother extension of the nonlinear ensemble transform filter

2017 - Tellus, Vol. 69(1)

Kirchgessner, P. | J. Tödter, B. Ahrens, and L. Nerger

Impact of the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interactions on the spatial rainfall variability in the Central Sahel

2017 - Meteorologische Zeitschrift

Breil, M. | H.-J. Panitz and G. Schädler

Quantification of the uncertainties in soil and vegetation parameterizations for regional climate simulations in Europe

2017 - Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18 (5), 1535–1548

Breil, M. | G. Schädler

The regional climate model and the model components coupled via OASIS3-MCT: description and performance

2017 - Geoscientific Model Development, Vol. 10 (4), pp. 1549–1586

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Decadal and multi-year predictability of the West African monsoon and the role of dynamical downscaling

2017 - Meteorol. Zeit., doi:10.1127/metz/2017/0811

Paeth H. | A. Paxian, D.V. Sein, D. Jacob, H.-J. Panitz, M. Warscher, A.H. Fink, H. Kunstmann, M. Breil, T. Engel, A. Krause, J. Toedter and B. Ahrens

Is there potential added value in COSMO–CLM forced by ERA reanalysis data?

2017 - Climate Dynamics

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A Global ETCCDI-Based Precipitation Climatology from Satellite and Rain Gauge Measurements

2017 - Climate, 5, 9

Dietzsch, F. | A. Andersson, M. Ziese, M. Schröder, K. Raykova, K. Schamm, A. Becker